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Mary Svenson, CDA
Decorative Artist, Teacher and Designer

Hearts and Strokes Tray

2 Photo - Full color step by step - Complete instructions & design
Acrylic - $9.00


PALETTE: Jo Sonja Artist Colors by Chroma Acrylics
Titanium White Red Violet
Naples Yellow Hue Amethyst
Turners Yellow Brilliant Violet
Plum Pink Carbon Black Classic Colour Collection
Potting Shed Colour
Wild Grape Blackberry Jo Sonja Mediums
All Purpose Sealer
Retarder and Antiquing Medium
Clear Glazing Medium
Water-based Polyurethane Varnish, Matte

BRUSHES: short liners, JS 1360 #2 & #5, script liner JS 1365 #5/0, flats
JS 1370 #6 & #8, JS 1375 ¾" & 1/2"wash, small mop

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National Society of Tole and Decorative Painters logo

Mary Svenson, CDA
24 Buckboard Drive
Westford, MA 01886
E-MAIL: Mary@Tolesampler.com

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